Class:  “Getting Organized”
In-person seminar

Pam Fujii and Nancy Moffett
Tuesday, December 3, 1:00 - 3:30 pm
Santa Clara Central Park Library (map), Redwood Room
How do you organize your genealogy information? Learn different organization methods for both hardcopy and digital.

This session will share tips on how to organize and prepare for a research trip. You will get a chance to view binders from seasoned genealogists on how they save their information. Don't know which computer genealogy program is right for you? Learn how to determine your needs to correctly match to a genealogy program. We will dig deeper on how to document your sources by looking at the components of the sources and their citations.

You will walk away from this class with new ideas and a better understanding of how to organize your information.

Masks are optional.

Free and open to all. In order to receive class notices and handouts, pre-registration is required.

Registration will be open: October 18 through December 1


See the event flyer.