SCCHGS is an energetic group of volunteers, always looking for new friends. Let us know about your skills and interests and we will find a place for you to contribute, meet new people and have fun. While some of our more pressing needs are listed below, we can always find a place for new volunteers.
Please email the , or fill out the Volunteer Form, or leave your name and message on the Society’s phone (408) 615-2986.
Volunteer Coordinator
This person is responsible for matching up people with society tasks. This is a great job for someone who likes meeting and getting to know people.
Newsletter Co-Editors
The co-editors are each responsible for producing five newsletters per year. Training and assistance are available. A separate team is responsible for distributing the newsletter and proofreaders are available. Having two co-editors allows for schedule flexibility.
Newsletter Coordinator
Help identify and track article submissions for our monthly newsletter. This important role can be done through email.
Write Articles
Newsletter articles on genealogy or local history and journal length local history articles for our publication, Connections are always needed and welcome.
Publicity flyer creation
Do you have a creative flair? We could use your help to create flyers for upcoming speakers and events.
Library committee members
We are looking for people to join the team that manages the Society's collection. The team is responsible for binding journals, managing subscriptions, sorting book donations, handling the book sale cart, and determining what books and journals to add to the collection.
Book Indexing
We continue to index local history books such as the Image of America Series. Check out a book and create a spreadsheet of those mentioned in the book for posting on our website.
Webmaster team
Help maintain the Society’s website. Regularly change the home, events and members area pages. Take input from board and committee and project volunteers, and turn it into this important public face of the Society. We have a team approach, sharing responsibilities and different technologies. This is a technical position, see